Monday, June 24, 2013

Calling She-Tribe Writers...

This is me. Sarah. Dreamer. Goal setter.

I'm also an Executive Director of a small non-profit and I moonlight as a the founder of the She-Tribe, a place for women to gather across boundaries, and to savor the impact of soul-care on all aspects of life.

Here's the thing: without joy, creativity, soul-care, health and community, no one can be truly happy and thriving. We all need a tribe to inspire us, to share stories and help us find the a balance between work and soul. Are you in?

Calling the She-Tribe!!

The whole point of the tribe is to gather women to share our stories, our lives, our goals and our successes. So here's my plan:

I need you! We need to hear your stories, your wisdom and your voice. This blog is in transition and I'm looking for regular writers to commit to the tribe for six months at a time, stating in August and writing through January 2014.

I need writers to to write once a month for six months on the following topics:

- finding/nurturing joy
- soul-care
- creativity
- health
- business
- home

Are you ready to change the world?
 Start with your own! Commit to authenticity, community, and your own soul-care and write about it over the course of the next six months!

Writers share one post a month, about 500-700 words, and submit a bio/link to your own page. Just think...each month I'll share your posts throughout the tribe, linking directly to your blog/website/Etsy etc. and you'll be able to share your wisdom with the community!

To apply to be one of the first round of writers for the She-Tribe blog, send me your story: why do you want to write for the She-Tribe and tell me about yourself. Include links to your blog/website/etc. by July 15th to be considered. Then the tribe will vote to select 6 writers for the first round of She-Tribe bloggers! Send submissions to:

Submit today!

Questions? Ask me! 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why You Should Take a Wild Leap....

I'm on Instagram now: Saritagirl13

What if?

What if I got that big promotion?
What if I could change the world through art?
What if I wrote a book? What would be the story?
What if I meet the man of my dreams?

What if I lose my job?
What if I get sick?
What if I can’t pay my bills?
What if my lover no longer wants me?

What if started eating more green juice?
What if I took that dream vacation to Bali?
What if I launched my own business?

What if it fails?

What if it succeeds?

So what!

All my what ifs are only as powerful as my response to them….

What ifs can keep us trapped…they can also free us for a bigger purpose.

Stop living today as if your negative what ifs are your reality right now. So what if you lose your job, or your lover leaves, grieve and move forward. Don’t stay stuck.

Choose happy. Choose Adventure. Choose peace.

Live as if your wildest what if dreams are possible and create a plan. Start now. Dream it. Explore it. See how it feels on your skin.

What if tomorrow is the end? Will your life have more what if I had only….or what if I hadn’t…

Choose possibility.

Move forward.

You are your greatest adventure.