Sunday, July 21, 2013

Meet our Lovely new Guest Bloggers...

This weekend marked the beginning of new adventures, of bold and courageous (and fearsome) things. My job ends on Friday and I'm launching into dreams. I have wanted to be a full time creative for longer than I can remember. I'll be painting, writing, capturing the world in photos, teaching and gathering the tribe together online and in Central Oregon. I'm thrilled!

Fear so easily holds us back from our dreams, but when we finally recognize that if we wait until we think we are ready, nothing will happen, then we find ourselves ready to launch!

Part of this launch is the addition of six incredible women who are adventuring with me into unknown territory here on the blog: guest blogger will write monthly for six months (from August to January) and I can't wait to learn from them!

Without further ado, allow me to introduce you to the She-Tribe Project's first round of bloggers.

Welcome Bloggers!!


Meet Ana:
  Ana is a pie-loving dream chaser. She owns a small creative business, Toil & Trouble, where she hand-dyes yarn and designs knitwear.  Currently, Ana is embarking on a new journey as a Studio Manager, working to develop a creative hub and empower artists to pursue their craft.  She was born in Brazil and traveled the world before settling in New England with her husband and two cats.' Read more about her on her blog:

Meet Charyn:

"Charyn Gant is the founder of the blog/site When We Listen to Trees: a platform to share information, stories and tolls of how we can improve our quality of life, especially our emotional health as it relates to our physical health. Charyn has been in the alternative healing arena for more than a decade. You can also find her on Pinterest and LinkedIn."

Meet Elinor:
"Elinor Predota is a heart-centred rebel who teaches people to find the sparkle in ordinary life and to embark on a new adventure every day. She's intuitive, nurturing, incisive, and lots of fun :-) She loves animals, chocolate, hugging, dancing, singing, laughing, nature, music, making stuff, vibrant food, breathing, magic(k), science fiction and fantasy,  and awesome people." You can also connect with her on Facebook and Pinterest.

Meet Erina:
"I am a thirty two soon to be thirty three year old woman, born and raised in Bend Oregon and current resident of Maui. I moved to Maui to pursue my yoga path and passion for teaching,  while helping people to practice self-care and guiding them on their personal journey towards wholeness. I love the way yoga engages my creative and spiritual nature, I am involved in other creative projects and interests as well, such as writing and creating hand crafted jewelry."

 Meet Heather:
"Heather lives in a cozy bay side town in Maryland with her boyfriend, Ryan, and their three fur baby kitties - Tigger, Ophelia, & Willow.  Heather's private practice, Natures Of Light Acupuncture, is the fulfillment of her dream to create a healing place for all in need.  She lovingly practices Acupuncture, is an Integrated Energy Therapy® practitioner and teacher, and incorporates the power of flowers into her sessions through the use of Flower Essence Therapy.  You can also find her on Facebook."

Meet Rosalyn:
"Rosalyn Fay is Founder and Producer of True Colors TV, an online inspirational video network for women. Over the past few years she has interviewed numerous women with extraordinary stories of healing themselves and transforming their health. Through that process she has been privy to leading edge information on holistic health, however, she has come to realize that knowing how to live optimally and living optimally are two very different things. So, over the next 6 months, she is committed to putting that knowledge into practice and adopting habits that will result in a holistically healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. "

I'm so excited to have these incredible women on the team! Please check out their links to their websites. Have a great day! 

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