What happens when women own up to their wisdom, honor their truth and collaborate in big ways? A She-Tribe project is born!!
The third issue of the project is still seeking submissions. The theme is on creativity - how does creativity shape your life, what is creativity's place in your life, has creativity saved you etc.
I would love your words, images and how-to's on creativity!
Submissions are 500-600 words, and should include your picture (so we can see your smiling face), links to your blog/website and so on, and 2-3 sentences about who you are!
Why you should submit to the She-Tribe e-book on creativity:
1. The world needs your voice.
2. The Tribe needs more inspiration and you are just the person we're looking for!
3. Creativity is something to be shared.
4. Sharing our story takes courage, gumption and bravery. You're looking for a reason to be brave, right?
5. It's a great way to draw more people to your website/ Etsy store/ blog etc.
6. A deadline can ignite your creative mojo to get you working on that project you've been putting off.
7. You think it sounds fun.
8. You think it sounds scary (and you're bucking up anyway. You go, girl!)
9. You've always wanted to write publicly.
10. You get all excited when you think about seeing your name in print (I get it).
What's stopping you? Send your submission to me by July 15th, 2013 at 5pm PST to sassylittleartist@gmail.com.
Would you be interested in my writing about my explosion into digital art (at 65!!!)? My e-mail is: mo@thecrazycrone.net